So this is Brody's version of Harry as a Prince the top picture is his wild and crazy version which you can only do at HOME! And the bottom picture is how Harry would behave at school! I wonder if Harry wore Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Underwear!
So we finally found some manx kittens and they are so sweet! Brody is holding Bella but the boy Jake aka Jacob was feeling camera shy he is a very cute grey with black and brown stripes color and we love them!
So Ballard is back in camp uggggg! He hates the camp he is in the cook is terrible and well he really hates it but not as much as Brody he REALLY misses his Dad so he insists on crawling into bed with me because it makes him feel better or so he says! I snapped these pictures the other morning because he totally looks so like a Schumann man!