Tuesday, September 29, 2009

we are making progress

So Ballard decided we really needed a wood shed this year, {my nagging about how hard it was to build up the fire with wet frozen wood that is three feet long had nothing to do with it!} and so we have been working on it for the past couple of weekends as he is in camp and only home on the weekends but it is coming along nicely and if the wind cooperates we will put the tin on this weekend! Of course it has somehow grown in size to now being a wood slash storage slash meat hanging shed! Gotta love a man with vision!

FAll is our favorite time of all

So Brody was my super helper in the garden this weekend and helped me dig allllllll the potatoes! Thanks Brodz I couldn't have done it without you! We love the view we have from our house in the fall it is so beautiful and sometimes I just have to pinch myself to make sure it is real!

Monday, September 7, 2009

First Bow kill Deer

So Hunting Season is off to a good start! Ballard was very excited to finally kill this awesome mule deer with his Mathews bow. He was in his tree stand and the buck walked by at thirty-six yards, using his forty pin he shot the buck a little high and spined him. He was very happy as this is his first velvet buck and has a cool drop tine!