Friday, April 24, 2009


Bailey and her good friend Sheldon who played Professor Higgins!

Bailey's best friend Crystal is on the left!
Bailey and her good friend Tara being goofs! Bailey is wearing her party dress!

Bailey in her peddler -flower seller costume.

Julia, Sheldon and Linsey as Professor Higgins Eliza Doolittle and Professor Higgin's Mother!
Well Bailey is at the second night of her play Pygmalion aka My Fair Lady and After a terrible dress rehersal on Wednesday night resulting in all cast members taking friday off from school to regroup and relax we are happy to announce that opening night on friday was a smashing success no one forgot their lines and the english accents were smooth and understandable which was a good thing because having Ballard lean over every two minutes asking what the heck did they just say was getting very old! Yeah Bailey we are so proud of you!

1 comment:

walkinourshoes said...

Hi Laurie and fam,

Cute pics. I loved the plays. It was some of the funnest times, in my high school years. Those pics brought back some fun memories. Hope Bailey had fun performing. We are proud of you, it can be scary, getting up infront of tons of people.

Love, Auntie Koe