Tuesday, May 26, 2009

our artist

So Bailey is off to Burns Lake on thursday where she will take part in an art show first prize is five hundred dollars and there are also other numerous prizes, her art teacher Mr Mueller aka Brother and sister Mueller's oldest son Vaugn submitted them, this picture doesn't show all the details and I don't have a picture of her log house bedroom but she sure was blessed with her dad's artistic talent since I can't draw a stickman! We sure are proud of her she continues to be on the honor role even with a month of being super sick! Good Luck on Thursday Bailey we love you!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

All in a days work

So we had an exciting week! I had to go back up to Fort St James and finish cleaning all the rock work I had done last fall and I decided Ballard and Brody could come along and help me but when Brody found out we would be going to Stuart lake he decided he would HAVE to go fishing, well I explained to him that the boys I had worked with all last year had fished every evening after work and had never caught a fish but he reassured me that he would because he is a good fisher person so he gathered his gear and was ready to go at 5:00 am! We arrived there at eight in the morning and he was on the dock at eight fifteen and fished till lunchtime and had caught nothing! We went in the house and had some lunch and all of a sudden Brody had an idea! We had packed some smoked salmon for lunch so he grabbed the skin and headed back to the dock he decided to use the salmon skin as bait and soon had his line back in the water, we were all still visiting and eating when all of a sudden one of the guys I work with said he thought Brody had something we all looked out the window and sure enough his rod was bent clean over! Ballard ran down to the dock while we all watched from the house in amazement as they pulled a seven pound lake trout up and out onto the dock all the guys I work with were cheering and needless to say it will be a day Brody will never forget it just goes to show you if at first you don't succeed try try again or in this case use salmon skin as bait!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Play Time!

So poor Bailey is Sick!! She has been home for the last two days with a terrible flu she has a really bad cough and is sore all over with a fever aches and pains and since the swine flu has entered Vanderhoof and surrounding areas going to the clinic was an adventure we had to put on masks along with the nurses and doctors and boy did they keep their distance! So we are waiting for her test results to come back and since so many families went to Mexico over spring break we are trying not to worry luckily Dr. Makin thinks she was sick before the outbreak so he thinks it is just the flu here's to hoping he is right! She is finally done with her play and they were a smashing success, she had so much fun that she is already talking about what they want to do next year!