Thursday, February 11, 2010

things I've been up too

So this past month has been busy I've laid ALOT of tile and grouted ALOT of tile and needless to say I am good for doing Tile work! But this past week my boss handed me a box of scrap slate tile and asked me if I would try and figure out something for this couples fireplace that had been sitting unfinished for years because they didn't know what to do so with only 15 full tile and alot of scraps and some Arizona rock viola a fireplace is born where once there was only plywood and this was not easy as the stove was not centered (which still drives me crazy) and nothing was square and yes that rock was heavy and lets just say hanging tile above your head is no easy task and yes I did curse but nobody was listening:)


Shana Hamblin said...

It looks gorgeous. I've got a bathroom...

walkinourshoes said...

That looks beautiful.