Sunday, June 14, 2009

holy halibut

So Ballard and Brody were able to go ocean fishing on the Anna Christina which is a 52 foot boat that Gulbranson logging purchased, they went with three other guys that Ballard works with and they had a blast! One of the guys Mark caught a 105 lb halibut! Brody and Ballard each caught 30lb halibut and a ton of other fish salmon, cod, red snapper, crabs, prawns and other various critters that of course Brody brought home for his collection! The weather was beautiful and they had such a great time!


walkinourshoes said...

those are some tiny fish. that is awesome. it looks like they had fun.
i am typing with kylee in my arms. love ya, koe

Summer said...

Glad that you finally posted the pics of the fiching trip